Following nearly two years of living in a pandemic, face masks have become a common sight for the majority of us. It could even be argued that they have become an essential item. Whether we are attending school, going to the mall, or visiting the theater, wearing a face mask is mandatory in all public spaces.
Due to the increasing demand, there has been a significant increase in the accumulation of disposable face masks in landfills. Globally, it is estimated that approximately 3 million disposable face masks are disposed of every minute. This is particularly concerning for the environment as these masks are composed of multiple layers of polypropylene, a type of thermoplastic that can take several years to decompose.
One potential resolution to this problem is the use of cloth face coverings, which may offer reduced protection but are more environmentally friendly due to their ability to be reused. However, it can be difficult to determine if a face mask has been adequately cleaned and is safe to wear again.
If we happen to have a common issue, then this is the perfect destination for you. Here are some pointers for washing and maintaining face masks that could potentially increase your sense of security and assurance when using reusable masks.
Wearing face masks has become an essential part of our daily lives, protecting us and others from the spread of COVID-19 and other airborne contaminants. However, it’s important to remember that wearing a mask is only effective if it is clean and properly maintained. Regular washing and cleaning of face masks are crucial to ensure their effectiveness and your safety.
How To Wash & Clean Face Mask?
1. Face Mask Cleaning Soapy Water
According to doctors, it is advised to wash face masks on a daily basis in order to decrease the chances of getting infected. It may appear challenging to adhere to this routine due to the hectic schedules of individuals. However, the task of cleaning a face mask is not as tedious as it may seem. Simply handwashing the masks with warm water and a mild detergent or soap is usually enough, especially if the masks were only worn for a quick errand.
Over time, face masks may develop stains or odors due to regular use. To remove stains, pretreat the affected area with a stain remover or a mixture of baking soda and water. Gently scrub the stain and rinse it thoroughly before washing the mask. For odors, you can add a few drops of essential oil or vinegar to the washing process to help eliminate any unpleasant smells.
Disposable face masks are intended for single-use and should be discarded after wearing them for a maximum of eight hours or when they become damp or visibly soiled. It is not recommended to wash or reuse disposable masks, as they are not designed for that purpose. Proper disposal of disposable masks is crucial to prevent the spread of germs and ensure your safety.
2. Bleach
If you are still uncomfortable using warm soapy water, an alternative option is to use a solution with bleach. Bleach is known to be a stronger disinfectant compared to detergents because of its main component, sodium hypochlorite. It eliminates bacteria, fungi, and viruses by altering the essential proteins in these tiny organisms.
Simply soak the mask in a bleach solution and rinse it well after a short period of time. There are different ratios of bleach to water that you can use. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests using one of these solutions at room temperature:
Use four teaspoons of bleach for every quart of water.
Mix five tablespoons of bleach with a gallon of water.
3. Washing Machine
If you are too busy and unable to hand wash your face masks, using a washing machine is also an option. This is especially helpful when washing a large number of masks at once.
To use this technique, run the masks through a washing cycle in the machine and adjust the dryer to the hot setting to enhance its efficiency. When it comes to selecting a detergent, opt for one that includes hydrogen peroxide, a potent disinfectant.
When washing your cloth face mask, it is best to use a mild detergent and warm water. Avoid using harsh chemicals or bleach, as they can damage the fabric and reduce the effectiveness of the mask. Gently handwash your mask, making sure to scrub all areas thoroughly. Pay special attention to the areas that come into contact with your face, such as the nose and mouth. Rinse the mask well to remove any soap residue and allow it to air-dry completely before using it again.
4. Ultraviolet
One alternative to consider is the utilization of ultraviolet (UV) light. In particular, according to a study, UV-C light has been found to eliminate 99.9% of bacteria and viruses without producing any undesirable by-products. Thus, it is a reliable and harmless method. The only drawback of applying UV is its expense and potential damage to the fibers of the face mask.
In case you still intend to utilize it, there are different types of UV-C LED lights available. A UV bag can be chosen if you wish to sanitize not just your masks but also other objects, as the bag is typically spacious enough to accommodate them. Alternatively, you may use a UV-C wand to manually hover and sanitize your masks and any other frequently touched objects.
Sprays of Disinfectant with Hospital-Grade Quality
Final Thoughts
In these challenging times, it is always better to be cautious. Neglecting small things, such as not properly sanitizing your face masks, can quickly lead to more severe issues and complications. Therefore, to protect yourself and your loved ones from viruses, it is essential to follow these recommendations.
If you’re unsure of what steps to take, you can seek assistance from professional house cleaning companies such as Cleanrific ( We also offer comprehensive house cleaning solutions ( to ensure a clean and germ-free environment for storing face masks. Our goal is to provide every household with the hygiene and well-being they deserve.
Proper washing and cleaning of face masks are essential to maintain their effectiveness and ensure your health and safety. Whether you have a reusable cloth mask or a disposable one, regular cleaning is crucial to remove any dirt, bacteria, or viruses that may be present on the surface. By following the expert tips and guidelines provided in this article, you can effectively wash and clean your face masks, keeping them clean, hygienic, and ready for use. Remember, wearing a mask is not only about protecting yourself but also about protecting others, so let’s do our part in keeping our masks clean and effective.